곡 정보

Pororo Bug Songs

Honey, Honey Honeybee

Pororo's friends from class,
shall we go find some honey? Let's go!

Buzzing around Finding flowers Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey
Buzzing around Finding nectar Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey
Gather nectar Here and there Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey
Sniff, Sni~ff, Sniff Look! There's a flower
Honey, Honey Looking for sweet nectar
Glu~g , glu~g Drink it up, so yummy
Honey, Honey It's so sweet and good
(Shall we fly like honeybees?)
Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Honey, Honey (Honey, Honey)
Busy, Buzzing, Buzz, Buzz, Honey, Honey (Honey, Honey)
Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum
Honey, Honey (Honey, Honey)
Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Buzz, Buzz, Buzzing around

Buzzing around Finding flowers Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey
Buzzing around Finding nectar Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey
Gather nectar Here and there Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey
Sniff, Sni~ff, Sniff Look! There's a flower
Honey, Honey Looking for sweet nectar
Glu~g, glu~g Drink it up, so yummy
Honey, Honey It's so sweet and good
(Shall we fly like honeybees?)
Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz Honey, Honey (Honey, Honey)
Busy, Buzzing, Buzz, Buzz, Honey, Honey (Honey, Honey)
Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum
Honey, Honey (Honey, Honey)
Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey, Buzz, Buzz, Buzzing around