The Crosswalk Song (횡단보도송)

투니버스 2020.08.19 1,027
When you walk across a road
Look for a crosswalk
Stripped patterned crosswalk
Where, where is it?
If you don’t see a crosswalk
Don’t walk across the road
Crosswalk, crosswalk
Looking for a crosswalk 
Crosswalk, crosswalk
Looking for a crosswalk

When you’re near a crosswalk
Don’t play around it
A car could come and hit you
It’s very dangerous
Wait for the green light
You will see the green light
Stay still, stay still
When you see the red light
Wait for it, wait for it
Wait for the green light
Yay! It’s green light! 
Let’s cross!
Oh no!
You have to look around 
Before you cross the road.
You have to raise your hand 
When you cross the road.

Let’s cross the crosswalk
Look left and look right
Let’s cross the crosswalk
with your hand raised high
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