Double Personality (epilogue film)

Based:in 2021.02.26 13
Please rag on me information requested.
What is your password? 
Your password has been accepted.
Make it trust them alright, didn't, in fact, 
end up where you are
Please rag on me information requested

I like you to go fuck yourself
Please rag on me information requested.
What is your password?
Your password has been accepted.
Make it trust them alright, that makes them
I like you to go fuck yourself
end up where you are

Please rag on me information requested.
What is your password?
Your password has been accepted.
Make it trust them alright, that makes them
Before it all fell apart,  you could feel it
And all of this is untrue
i m really what the fuck

And we're all connected,
like tides around the world
being pushed and pulled by an unseen
force it stretches out

to the moon moon
to the moon moon
to the moon moon
to the moon moon
I like you to go fuck yourself
to the moon moon
force  moon moon
to the moon moon
force  moon moon
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