말이 달리면 신나는 소리가 나! (Eng Ver.)

Dee : Dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee- dee! Ta-la-la! Dee Chat!

Dee : Hello, everyone! Let’s call my Dalgona dragon friends!
Dee : Ta-ta!
Ta-ta : Ta-ta!
Dee : Boom! 
Boom : Boom-boom!
Dee : Ding!
Ding : Ding-ding!
Dee : Chicky!
Chicky : Chicky-chicky!
Ta-ta, Chicky, Ding : Dee!

Dee: Ta-la-la! 
Ah-! Tip-tap, tip-tap, tippity-tap-! 
Guess what animal runs like this? 

Ta-ta, Chicky, Ding :  Tip-tap, tippity-tap?
Ding: Oh, wow! That’s a fun sound. What animal is it? 
Dee : Ta-la-la! It’s a horse!

Ta-ta, Chicky, Ding : A horse?
Dee : Yeah! Horses have manes, long hair on their heads and necks! They’re really splendid!
And they taught me how to run cheerfully! Tip-tap, tippity-tap!
Ta-ta, Chicky, Ding : Wow! 

Chicky: Ooh! How do they make that ‘tip-tap’ sound?
Dee :  Well... I have no idea... I have never seen that in my whole life! 

Horses! They have perfect legs for running fast.
They can run fast because of their strong thigh muscles.
They can jump far because of their long calves.
Their hooves are very hard and they make a rhythmic clopping sound.
The more they run, the more their hooves get worn down.
so they need proper care.
Chicky : A-ha! It’s their hooves that make that sound when they run.

Ding : It’s like they’re wearing nice shoes!
Chicky : With their mains blowing in the wind-! Hoo!

Ta-ta : Let’s run then-! 
Tip-tap, tip-tap, tippity-tap!
Friends: Tip-tap, tip-tap, tippity-tap!

Together: Run and prance like a horse
Follow me! 

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