Super Fun Clay Play

뽀로로 2021.05.18 93
Pororo: Crong~! Let’s play with clay!
Crong: Okay, Crong~!

Crong: Huh? There are only three colors though. 
Boo... That’s boring. Crong!
Pororo: Haha~ Is that so?

Super fun clay play
Mix, mix, mix it up
Red, blue, yellow
Mix, mix, mix it up

Let’s mix red and blue
What color will it be?
Mix, mix, mix, mix
Ta-da! It’s purple!
Purple grapes!
A purple bow!
A mixture of red and blue
Look what I made!

Crong: Crong, crong~! Amazing. Crong~!
Pororo: Haha! Now...
Let’s mix yellow and blue
What color will it be?
Mix, mix, mix, mix
Ta-da! It’s green!
Green leaves
A green traffic light
A mixture of yellow and blue
 Look what I made!

Crong: Crong~! 
Let’s make another color, too. Crong~!
Pororo: Sure!

Let’s mix yellow and red
What color will it be?
Mix, mix, mix, mix
Ta-da! It’s orange!
An orange pumpkin
An orange carrot
A mixture of yellow and red 
Look what I made!

Super fun clay play
Mix, mix, mix it up
Purple, green, orange
Look, look what I made!
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