개미야 어디가 (Little Ants)

콩순이 2022.09.22 1,452
Little ants, little ants, where do you go?

Little ants, little ants, marching in a line
Where are you, where are you going?
Marching, marching, marching, marching
We’re going on a picnic now

Little ants are singing, wow it’s so fun! 
Let’s sing together, lululala
Picnic day for the happy ants
Little ants are busy again today

Little ants, little ants, trooping in a line
Where are you, where are you going?
Trooping trooping trooping trooping
We’re going to the bathroom now

How embarrassing, don’t follow me
how refreshing lululala
Everyone in a line to the bathroom
Little ants are busy again today

Little ants, little ants, marching in a line
Where are you, where are you going?
Marching marching marching marching
We’re going to exercise~

We are fast and we are strong,
on our 4 feet lululala
Picnic day for happy ants
Little ants are busy again today
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