Deep Down 23 (쏠로버젼) by H - 싸이먼스 (Feat. 죠이 딕스 쥬니어)

Simons (싸이먼스) 2023.01.02 6
Deep down, I know you know I know you know.  
Cause we’ve been through together. 
Deep down, you know I know you know
I know cause we have been there 
for each other when it’s good or bad . 
But it’s ok to hate and fight with me sometimes,
cause friends do that all the 
Deep down I know you know
I know you know although
we never say that to 
each other openly.
Deep down you know I know you know
I know we are in this together like we have always been.
I know You know 
Deep down, I know you know I know you know,
cause we can’t hide it through our eyes 
Deep down, you know I know you know I know
cause we’ve been in love, naturally like we breathe in.
But it’s ok to hate and fight with me sometimes.
Cause friends do that all the 
Deep down I know you know
I know you know although
we never say that to each other openly.
Deep down you know I know you know I know.
We are in this together like we have always been.
I know you know. 
Remember that I never ever give up on you,
cause we’re bound to be with each other 
Deep down I know you know
I know you know although
we never say that to each other openly.
Deep down you know I know you know
I know we are in this together like we 
always have been. I know You know.
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