곡 정보

주니토니 발레스타 Little Ballerina Level 3 Cinderella (2024 봄)

Scene 2:There Is a Party at the Castle

JunyTony Ballet Star friends,
make good posture!

Today, there is a party at the castle.
“I want to go to the party, too.”

Degage front
what are you doing?
Bring me my dress!

Degage side
what are you doing?
Bring me my shoes!

Oh, my dress!
Oh, my dress!
Oh, my dress!
Oh, my shoes!
Oh, my shoes!
Oh, my shoes!
I’m so pretty.

First position
Plié, stretch
Plié, stretch
Second position
Plié, stretch
Plié, stretch

Cinderella, stay at home.
Grand battement, kick
Cinderella, stay at home.
Grand battement, kick

Mom, Dad,
are you watching over me?

JunyTony Ballet Star