곡 정보


Real Talk

Thank you for driving- please
keep your eyes on the road,
seatbelts on and we'll get started
our theme this year is
“to be or not to be,” to your left
you’ll see Superego
with her super wings weighing
about three pounds:
she often hides herself in mean,
grassy meadows,
peeking only at sunrise
and when lured
by her favorite treats..
When she roams
she’s cage-free,
trying to tame others
more feral
and she marvels at
what she cannot lure
on her own-
can you see it? in her eyes?
look closely,
our animals come from
many parts of the planet,
and wallowing in these
muddy waters like pigs
and rhinos, you were also born
with hardwired, domestic habits
a creamy coat, how beautimus,
how swallowing,
noticeably louder than the wild
that’s right,
where do you think
these pigs go mud bathing?