곡 정보

The Girl Eating A Wormy Apple

The Girl Eating A Wormy Apple

If she gets thrilled
about the juicy crunch of an apple
when she bites into it,
she has to be madly
in love with the apple.
The temptation of the snake
does not matter anymore.

A wormy apple wriggling
with sweetness and scent
Should she swallow?
Or just spit out?
Oh, oh, oh~ No, no, no~
The sweet, sour taste,
the song of her tongue will be
her new song.

If she gets sores in her mouth
from the tartness of an apple
when she chews it,
she shall desire the apple more.
No need for the seven
dwarfs' help anymore.

A wormy apple burrowing down
beneath black bruises
Should she swallow?
Or just spit out?
Oh, oh, oh~ No, no, no~
The hidden truth of her seductive
and naughty tongue will be
her new story.