곡 정보

Our Small Bug Friends

Butterfly Song (Feat. 엄하윤)

Up in the sky,
up there I see a little butterfly.
Flying so high and fluttering,
the little butterfly.
Look there! It’s dancing
in the breeze, so beautiful and free.
And now, it is in the tree.
I hope it comes to me!
I’m wondering just
how did you become a butterfly?
Oh, won’t you please come
down here and then tell me butterfly?

Up in the sky, up there you’ll see,
it’s me, the butterfly.
Flying so high, but how did
I become a butterfly?
I was a caterpillar once,
munching on weeds and leaves.
But now I have big bright wings,
I feel happy and free.
I want to fly among the trees
and flowers, so goodbye!
Next spring you’ll see me again,
just a little butterfly.