곡 정보

플레이송스 할로윈송

할로윈 마녀, 할로윈 괴물 (Eng.)

Hello? I am a Halloween witch
Yes, I'm a witch
who loves to eat candy
On Halloween
I had lots and lots of candy
Let's all count the candy I had

Let’s count!
One, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, ten!
It will rot your teeth!

Hello? I am a Halloween monster
Yes I'm a monster
who loves to eat anything
On Halloween I had lots and
lots of creepy things
Let's all count the things I had

Let’s take a look!
One hundred legged centipede,
creepy cockroach, wiggly worms,
popping eyeball, scary scorpion!
Ah! let's run away!