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i'm your scary movie

Did you actually know
Dressing up for Halloween was to
scare away the evil monsters
But I don’t see you wearing costumes
Does this mean you were waiting for me?

I’m telling you I’m secretly deciding
If I was gonna trick or treat you, darling
Run away run away fast as you can !!

I’m your scary movie

ScArY mOvIe

You’re gushing with blood
You cover it with just a bandaid
Oh honey, clearly,
It ain’t working
It’s luck
We’re living in a century
Where all of the movies are telling us
zombies are fictionary

Oh bloody darn it’s so, so systematic
You’re fancying a love that’s so ironic
Run away run away fast as you can !!

I’m your scary movie

sCaRy MoViE

Horror movie