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〈신비와 노래해요〉 인기 영어 동요 3

Crash Song (Eng Ver.)

Walking with a glass cup
When suddenly
The glass slipped from my hands!
And it shattered, I ran away
I got caught at a dead end
What do I do?
Careful, careful, when holding glass
Always be careful, be careful!

Eating, playing
When suddenly
My elbow hit the plate!
Boom, bap!
And it shattered, I ran away
I got caught at a dead end
What do I do?
Careful, careful, when using plates
Always be careful, be careful!

Playing around with my friend
When suddenly
My leg hit the ceramic pot
And it shattered, I ran away
I got caught at a dead end
What do I do?
Careful, careful, around ceramic pots
Always be careful, be careful!

Throwing and catching balls
When suddenly
The ball hit the flower vase!
Swish, crack!
And it shattered, I ran away
I got caught at a dead end

What do I do?
Are you okay?

Careful, careful, around vases
Always be careful, be careful!

Be careful around fragile objects!