곡 정보

2021 신나는 핑크퐁 영어 인기동요 60분

Wash Your Hands

"Oh, no! Dirty Germs!"

Bubble, bubble,
soap bubbles.
Wash like this,
rub like me.
Right hand, left hand,
up the wrists.
Here, there and everywhere.

Right palm, left palm together.
Greet like this,
rub like me.
Flip your hand
and scrub the back.
Here, there and everywhere.

Fingers, fingers
between fingers.
Fold them all,
rub like me.
Don’t forget
under the nails.
Here, there and everywhere.

Wash your hands.
"Get away, germs!"
Dirty little germs go.
"Bye, bye!"

Bubble, bubble,
soap bubbles.
Wash like this,
rub like me.
Right hand, left hand,
up the wrists.
Here, there and everywhere.
Here, there and everywhere.