곡 정보

로티프렌즈 크리스마스 영어동요

New Year's Wishes

Hey everyone!
Do you have any New Year’s wishes?

In the coming year
What can we do to have more fun?
Can you tell us your New Year’s wishes?

I’ll say mine first

If my wishes come true
In the coming new year
I want to get this new toy
I’ve wanted for so long

Wow~ Heartping!
I hope your wishes come true

I’ll share mine, too!
Listen to this!

If my wishes come true
In the coming new year
I want to eat my favorite food
All the time, every day

In the coming year
I want to make more good friends
I will be kind and loving to help meet new friends

We wish you a happy, healthy and safe New Year
Let’s make this next year
Better for everyone

Happy New Year!