곡 정보

로티프렌즈 생활습관 영어동요

Brushing Teeth Song

Brush, brush Ho-hoi ! Brush, brush Ho-hoi !
Are you ready? Ho-hoi ! Now let’s start !

Brush like me, brush like me, up and down
Brush like me, brush like me, front and back
Don’t forget your little tongue, brush and brush
Come on, do it like me, cause brushing is fun !
But Don’t swallow the toothpaste, spit it out !

You’re doing well, Lotty ! I want to try it, too !

Brush like me, brush like me, up and down
Brush like me, brush like me, front and back

Don’t forget your little tongue, brush and brush
Come on, do it like me, cause brushing is fun !
Don’t swallow the toothpaste, spit it out !

Awesome ! Let me try, let me try !

Brush like me, brush like me, up and down
Brush like me, brush like me, front and back
Don’t forget your little tongue, brush and brush
Come on, do it like me, cause brushing is fun !
But Don’t swallow the toothpaste, spit it out !

Don’t swallow the toothpaste, spit it out !