곡 정보

로티프렌즈 생활습관 영어동요

Bad Germs Are Coming

Go, go, bad germs ! Go, go, bad germs !
Go, go, bad germs ! Go, go, bad germs !
Oh no ! Bad germs, you’re gonna make me sick ! Go away !

Bad germ, bad germ, I’m King Germ
My brave soldiers, it’s time to go !
Yes, sir ! Yes, sir ! We can go anywhere
Bad germs, bad germs, let’s move out !

Bad germ, bad germ, I’m King Germ
You can’t see me, cause I’m so fast
Into your mouth and into your nose
Bad germs, bad germs, let’s move out !

Shoo, shoo, bad germs ! Shoo, shoo, bad germs !
Shoo, shoo, bad germs ! Shoo, shoo, bad germs !
Bad germs, I’ll chase you away !

Bad germs, bad germs, I’m gonna get you
You can’t run away, stop right there !
Wash and clean, wash and clean, chase the germs away
Clean hands, clean feet, we are healthy kids !

Run, run, bad germs ! Run, run, bad germs !
Go away, bad germs !
Aaaah~~ Everyone, run !