곡 정보

띠띠뽀 영어로 세계 인기동요

Wheels on the Train

Have a Nice Trip Titipo!

The little train Titipo
Off he goes
Tititiliti Titipo
Tititiliti Titipo
The little train Titipo
Off he goes
Chugga chugga choo-choo train

The little train Titipo
goes up the mountain
Tititiliti Titipo
Tititiliti Titipo


The little train Titipo
goes down the mountain
Chugga chugga choo-choo train

The little train Titipo
passes the tunnel
Tititiliti Titipo
Tititiliti Titipo

The little train Titipo
passes the tunnel
Chugga chugga choo-choo train

The little train Titipo
crosses the river
Tititiliti Titipo
Tititiliti Titipo
The little train Titipo
crosses the river
Chugga chugga choo-choo train

The little train Titipo
Come back home
To Choo Choo town
To Choo Choo town
The friends in the Choo Choo town
All come out
Welcome back Titipo!