The Cute little fellow (귀여운 꼬마)

영어동요 2017.09.25 1,067
The cute little fellow
went to a hen house
He tried to catch
a chicken but it got away
A hungry fox was
waiting outside
"I've got you!"
he roared and stole away
Cackle, cackle
the hen was crying
Cackle, cackle
the hen was crying
The cute little fellow
saw all of this and
He didn't know whether
to laugh or to cry

The cute little fellow
went to a pig pen
He tried to catch
a pig but it got away
A hungry wolf
was waiting outside
"I've got you!"
he roared and stole away.
Squeal, queal, queal
squeal the pig was crying
Squeal, queal, queal
squeal the pig was crying
The cute little fellow
saw all of this and
He didn't know whether
to laugh or to cry
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