Knock, Knock! Who's at the door

꼬마버스 타요 2023.02.15 781
Knock knock knock knock 
knock knock knock knock 
Knock knock knock knock 
knock knock knock knock

Wondering who is there 
Peeping who is there
Who is at the door

Oh it’s not mommy
Oh it’s not daddy
Can I open the door? 

Ta da! Candy~! 
Wow! Sweet candy

I will open the door for you! 

No no no no
Do not open the door

Good Job! We must open the door only for 
your mom and dad!

Knock knock knock knock 
Knock knock knock knock 
Knock knock knock knock 
Knock knock knock knock

Wondering who is there 
Peeping who is there
Who is at the door

Oh it’s not mommy
Oh it’s not daddy
Can I open the door? 

Ta-da! Cookie~! 
Wow! Sweet cookie

I will open the door for you!

No no no no
Do not open the door

Good job! It’s dangerous to open the door 
for strangers

Knock knock knock knock 
Knock knock knock knock 
Knock knock knock knock 
Knock knock knock knock

No no no no no no no 
We shouldn’t open the door 
Hmm... Uh? 

Na na na na na na knock knock knock!

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