곡 정보

로티프렌즈 가나다 한글동요 (영어)

Escaping From the Pyramid

Let’s get out of the pyramid
Let’s solve the puzzle to go through the maze
Pa! Pari, Painaepeul
Pi! Piri, Piano
We did it!
Let’s get out of here!

Let’s get out of the pyramid
Let’s solve the puzzle to go through the maze
Pa! Pado, Parasol
Po! Podo, Pokeu
We did it! Let’s get out of here!

Pineapple, Painaepeul
Buzzing fly, Pari
Flute, Piri
Piano, Piano
Sea wave, Pado
Parasol, Parasol
Grape, Podo
Poking fork, Pokeu

We’re almost there!
Oh, no! It’s Sphinx!

Let’s get out of the pyramid
Let’s give Sphinx something to eat
Pa! Papkon, Papaya
Pi! Pimang, Pija
It fell asleep
Let’s go, let’s go

Papaya, Papaya
Popcorn, Papkon
Bell pepper, Pimang
Yummy pizza, Pija
Escaping from the pyramid, we did it!