곡 정보

Professional Rapper

Meet the Burds (Interlude)

Hi, any better out here
Yeah, much better, yeah
Buenos noches
You're back from Machu Pichu
and you're speaking Spanish
It's 'buenas tardes'
So how's Dave Burd doing
Ah, he's alright, you know
Taking it one day at a time
Well, wait, can we hear say
a little bit more about
what that means
Uh, yeah, I mean,
I'm here in LA,
I just moved here, obviously
Wait, wait, wait,
we're still having trouble
Maybe you should try to
call him back, Jean
He's got bad reception
where he is is the problem
Can you hear me
Is that it
Can you hear me
Yes, now I can Yep
No, now we can't
Wait, Stewart,
let him talk Go ahead
What do you mean
'You can't' Why can't
You can't hear me
Yes We can, go ahead
Did you see that commercial
for Anchorman 2
Which one There's plenty of
Ok, Stewart,
let him talk about
what's going on with him
Alright, go ahead