곡 정보

Room 29

Howard Hughes Under The Microscope

Oh well, where do we begin?
Um, well Hughes is,
he is an example of the rich kid
who says I'd like to get into movies,
I'd like to be a movie star,
I'd like to screw movie stars,
I'd like to own movie stars,
I'd like to make movies.
I'm so rich, why not?

Hughes was crazy about flying.
Flying and female breasts. And the,
the iconography of his work,
his career as a movie
producer is there.

He's a, he's a very,
very American character
and it all comes from a,
a drilling head for oil
that his father really perfected.

The people who knew Hughes
in those years liked him,
which isn't quite the
image you get now because you,
we get this man who walks
around with long hair,
long fingernails and stores
his own urine and all that kind of thing.
You know, stuff that
we wouldn't like to be seen doing.
But as a young man
he was quite something.

He's the kid who becomes
so wealthy you can't measure it.
He can do anything
he likes and he dies alone.

He is a mythic figure.