곡 정보

미니특공대 영어동요

Thanks Mom!

Thanks Mom!

Everyday so very loving
She is my beautiful mom
Caring and warm her hands are warm
She loves me so very much

Mommy, I love you!
Mommy, I love you!

She wakes us in the morning
early in the morn
She makes us yummy food everyday
She dresses us in pretty clothes everyday
She’s with us when we start to fall asleep

Mommy, I like you (So very much!)
Mommy, I love you (So very much!)
Always you are the best in the world!

Thank you!
I love you!

She always smiles at us.
She is the very nicest!

Soft, fresh, and clean pretty clothes
Thank you for our clothing

Mommy, I like you (So very much!)
Mommy, I love you (So very much!)
Always you are the best in the world!
Thank you!
I love you!
(I love you, mom~!)