곡 정보

오콘키즈 영어동요

My Little Puppy

Our little puppy dog
it says hello bow wow wow
wagging tail bow wow wow
always happy to be back home wagging
tail bow wow wow
Our little puppy dog
I want to walk bow wow wow
wagging tail bow wow wow
always happy when we're walking
wagging tail bow wow wow

Our little puppy dog
feed me feed me bow wow wow
wagging tail bow wow wow
always happy when its eating waggin
tail bow wow wow
Our little puppy dog
come play with me bow wow wow
wagging tail bow wow wow
always happy when its playing wagging
tail bow wow wow

Our little puppy dog
it says hello bow wow wow, wagging
tail bow wow wow
always happy to be back home wagging
tail bow wow wow
Our little puppy dog
I want to walk bow wow wow, wagging
tail bow wow wow
always happy when we're walking
wagging tail bow wow wow