곡 정보

오콘키즈 영어동요

Cleaning Song

Place your hands together
scrub them both against each other
Each and every little finger
Let us scrub them squeeky clean.
Place your hands together
scrub them both against each other
Each and every little finger
Let us scrub them squeeky clean.

Take your left hand
and your right hand
scrub them til they're squeeky clean
Each corner and each finger
wash them til they're squeeky clean
Take your left hand, and your right hand
scrub them til they're squeeky clean
Each corner and each finger
wash them til they're squeeky clean

Place your hands together
scrub them both against each other
Each and every little finger
Let us scrub them squeeky clean.
Place your hands together
scrub them both against each other
Each and every little finger
Let us scrub them squeeky clean.

Take your left hand, and your right hand
scrub them til they're squeeky clean
Each corner and each finger
wash them til they're squeeky clean
Take your left hand, and your right hand
scrub them til they're squeeky clean
Each corner and each finger
wash them til they're squeeky clean