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Titipo's Classic Nursery Rhymes

Look Alike

My mom and I look so much alike,
when we look into the mirror together.
My mom and I look so much alike.
It’s the same, the way we smile together.
Pretty eyes, shining so bright.
My mom and I look so much alike ,
when we dance to the music together.
Rosy cheeks, glowing so happy.
My mom and I look so much alike ,
when we look into the mirror together.

My dad and I look so much alike ,
when we look into the mirror together.
My dad and I look so much alike.
It’s the same, the way we smile together.
Square, square, square, square faces.
My dad and I look so much alike,
when we dance to the music together.
One, two, three! Awesome dance moves.
My dad and I look so much alike,
when we look into the mirror together.

My sister and I look so much alike,
when we look into the mirror together.
My sister and I look so much alike.
It’s the same, the way we smile together.
Munch, munch, munch. Pouty, pink lips.
My sister and I look so much alike ,
when we dance to the music together.
Waddle, waddle, waddle. Cute, little bum.
My sis and I look so much alike ,
when we look into the mirror together.

Lalalala Lalalalala Lalalala Lalalala Lalalalala