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Titipo's Classic Nursery Rhymes

Bubble, Bubble Little Fish

Bubble, bubble, bubble little fish.
What are you doing?
Bubble, bubble, bubble little fish.
Where are you going?
Shuh, shuh~, shuh, shuh. Trickling water.
Swimming here and there.
Clean, clear crystal water.
Swimming with your friends.
Splish Splash pop pop water. Fish having fun.

Bubble, bubble, bubble little fish.
What are you playing today?
Bubble, bubble, bubble little fish.
What trouble are you in?
Shuh, shuh~~ shuh, shuh. Trickling water.
Swimming here and there.
Water flowing down the stream, fish singing there.
Lalala Lalalalalalala Lalala Lalala

A fisherman throwing a net.
Oh no! Watch out!
Make sure you don’t get caught. Hide,
hide! Right now!
He’s gone! Hooray! Come out! Let’s go,
swim and dance together again
Water flowing down the stream,
fish singing there.
Lalala Lalalalalalala Lalala Lalala

Bubble, bubble, bubble little fish.
What are you doing?
Bubble, bubble, bubble little fish.
Where are you going?
Shuh, shuh~~, shuh, shuh. Trickling water.
Swimming here and there
Splish splash pop pop water, fish singing there.
Shuh, shuh, shuh,dancing water, fish singing there.