곡 정보

유삐와 친구들 영어 율동동요 3

The White Snow

White snow falls from the sky
White snow falls quietly and shyly
White snow builds up bit by bit
Now our whole world is shining bright

I make a footprint in the snow
My friend makes a footprint in the snow
Together we make footprints everywhere
We make art anywhere we go

Grab a cupful of snow
Mold it in your hands like dough
Pack it tight into a little ball
Snow fights are fun for all

The hill is covered in white
The hill is slippery and wide
Hop on a sled and go downhill
It is so much fun to ride

Grab a big handful of snow
Roll, roll, roll until it grows
Roll 'til you think it's round enough
Make a snowman so happy it glows

Today is a perfect day with snow
Snow makes us happy in the winter
The world is all white and so beautiful
We laugh and we play all day