I can do it myself

바다 탐험대 옥토넛 2023.02.15 1,183
Today, we are going into the deep sea 
for some courage training. 
You can do it by yourself right?
Yes, Captain!

Through the shallow sea
going into the deep deep sea
(I can do it all by myself)
Through the shallow sea
going into the deep deep sea
(I can do it all by myself)

Though it is dark and gloomy,
I am not afraid 
(I can do it all by myself)
Though it is dark and gloomy,
I am not afraid 
(I can do it all by myself)

I did it myself~~!
Well done, Peso!
Now, Shellington you’re next! You can do it right?
Yes, Captain
Through the shallow sea
going into the deep deep sea
(I can do it all by myself)
Through the shallow sea
going into the deep deep sea
(I can do it all by myself)

Though it is dark and gloomy,
I am not afraid 
(I can do it all by myself)
Though it is dark and gloomy,
I am not afraid 
(I can do it all by myself)

I did it myself~~!
Well done, Shellington!
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