Claw Cleanup

바다 탐험대 옥토넛 2023.02.15 1,032
The beach has become a mess.
There’s a mountain of garbage.
Don’t worry. What do we have?
Clamps, clamps, clamps, clamps!
Okay now, shall we start cleaning the beach?

Grab it all with the claws, carry it with the claws,
clean up the beach with our very strong
claw claw claws

grab it all with the claws, carry it with the claws
clean up the beach with our claws
grab and carry it, grab and carry it
grab it, carry it and clean it
grab and carry it, grab and carry it
grab it, carry it and clean it

Grab it all with the claws, carry it with the claws,
clean up the beach with our very strong
claw claw claws

grab it all with the claws, carry it with the claws
clean up the beach with our claws

Thanks to everyone 
who worked hard together cleaning the beach, 
it’s a lot cleaner!
[Barnacles] Shall we hang in there a little longer 
and clean up the beach?

grab and carry it, grab and carry it
grab it, carry it and clean it
grab and carry it, grab and carry it
grab it, carry it and clean it

Grab it all with the claws, carry it with the claws,
clean up the beach with our very strong
claw claw claws

grab it all with the claws, carry it with the claws
clean up the beach with our claws

grab it all with the claws, carry it with the claws
clean up the beach with our claws

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