곡 정보



The past has swallowed me
I want get out of this darkness
Fuck I think my head will be crash
Oh despair tear me apart

I cannot see myself in the mirror
I feel like i'm not mine
The rules and Sight of the world
and arrogance are killing me
The light is over there
I don't want darkness
to swallow me anymore

Take the your life
no matter what the world says
Take the your life
no matter what the world says
Never don't give up

Why am i still standing here
I want get out of this darkness

Oh fuck the world
Why do you repeat a lie every day
There was no light
where you said it

Take the your life
no matter what the world says
Take the your life
no matter what the world says
Never don't give up

I can see the light now
in the darkness
It's so beautiful
Why am i still standing here

Take the your life
no matter what the world says
Take the your life
no matter what the world says
Never don't give up