아티스트 정보

잭 리 (Jack Lee)

잭 리 (Jack Lee)

1990년 / Cheju Do
아티스트 소개

Profile of Jack Lee in Korean

[잭 리]는 척박한 우리나라의 재즈 음악계에서 묵묵히 자기의 음악세계를 펼치며 세계를 무대로 활동하는 한국, 아시아 최고의 재즈 기타리스트이다.


장르를 불문하고 모든 천재 아티스트들은 어린 나이에 영감을 받아 예술의 길을 운명으로 받아 들인다. 재미교포 재즈 기타리스트 잭리 또한 예외는 아니다. 초등학교 6학년 때 기타 소리에 매료되어 기타리스트의 꿈을 안고 악기를 배우기 시작한 그는 아마추어 밴드를 조직하는 등 어린 나이부터 음악세계에 빠져들었다. 학업 또한 게을리 하지 않았던 그는 1983년 휘문고 재학 중 미국 유학 길에 올라 컬럼비아 대학에서 컴퓨터 사이언스를 전공, 음악을 부전공하면서 꾸준히 음악의 끈을 놓지 않고 자신만의 음악 세계를 형성해 나갔다. 뉴욕에서 본격적으로 음악을 공부하면서 미국 동부 지역의 유명한 재즈 라디오 방송국 (WKCR-FM)의 DJ로 활동 하면서 미국의 재즈뮤지션들과의 교류를 통해 더욱 깊이 다가서기 시작 했으며 차츰 미국에서 기타리스트의 입지를 넓혀 가며 끊임 없이 발전해 나갔다. 

Jack Lee의 기타 연주를 듣고 있자면 파워풀하면서도 섬세한 연주를 느낄 수 있다. 언제 들어도 친근한 멜로디와 군더더기 없고 깔끔한 기타연주가 정감 어리다. 뉴욕에서 본격적으로 재즈 음악을 시작한 Jack Lee는 동양의 정서와 서양의 감각이 적절하게 조화되어 그만의 독특한 음악을 해석해 왔다. 1989년 뉴욕에서 국악원의 장석식씨를 만나 사물놀이와 어울린 재즈 앨범을 구상하고 곧 첫 앨범인 재즈기타 연주집 ‘풍운’에 사물놀이패와의 즉흥 협연곡을 담아 발표하는 등 실험적이고 신선한 음악을 시도하면서 음악 세계에 새로운 장르를 열기도 했다. 1992년에는 브라질의 기타리스트 겸 위대한 작곡가인 Toninho Horta와 함께 작업하면서 2집 앨범 ‘목련꽃’을 발표하며 모스크바에서 열렸던 [러시아-리우-뉴욕 재즈 페스티벌]에 유일한 동양인으로 참가했는데 록과 재즈에 국악을 접목시킨 그의 음악이 높이 평가 받았기 때문이다. 

1992 부터 2003년 까지 잭리는 Chico Freeman, Bob James, Bob Belden, Billy Kilson, Dave Holland, Toninho Horta 등의 앨범및 전세계 공연등에도 참여하면서 뉴욕에서 세션 뮤지션의 입지를 굳히고 다수의 프로듀싱 프로젝트에도 참가했다. 일본의 인기 퓨전밴드 T-Square leader Takeshi Itoh의 솔로앨범에 참여했고, 본인의 정규앨범 Gracefulee, Where my heart goes, Into the night, Message from Paris, From Belo to Seoul 등이 이 시기에 발매되었다.

2004년, 잭은 우연한 계기로 그의 활동무대를 아시아로 옮기게 된다. 

2005년 발매된 프로젝트 밴드앨범 [Asianergy]에서는 건반의 [Dave Grusin] 베이스의 [Nathan East], Fourplay 의 [Harvey Mason] 등이 함께 녹음에 참여하여, 전작들에 비해 훨씬 깊이있게 독창적인 음악성을 본격적으로 드러내 오늘에 이르기까지 우리나라 재즈음악계의 거장으로 자리매김하게 되었다.

한 때 Pat Metheny, John McLaughlin, Toninho Horta와 같은 거장들의 음악 세계에 매료 되었던 Jack Lee는 이제 이들과 어깨를 나란히 하며 재즈의 본고장인 뉴욕과 전세계를 무대로 활발하게 활동하고 있다. Dave Grusin, Nathan East, Bob James, Toninho Horta, Larry Carlton, Lee Ritenour, Fourplay 등 현시대 최고의 수퍼 재즈그룹에 여러번 초청되어 협연하였으며, 2011, 2012 두 차례, 그는 그의 음악적 스승이자 가장 많은 영향을 받은 현재 재즈계의 거장 기타리스트인, Pat Metheny 의 특별초대를 받아 한국 공연에서 협연을 하기도 햇다.

한국의 재즈 매니아들 사이에서 한국 최초, 최고의 재즈 기타리스트라는 전설로 남아 있는 Jack Lee는 이번 새로운 앨범 ‘Pray ‘ 출시와 더불어 한국 및 세계에서 활발한 활동을 펼칠 계획이다.


1966 서울 태생

1984-88 뉴욕 컬럼비아대학 컴퓨터 사이언스 전공, 음악 부전공.

1988- WKCR-FM Jazz Director겸, 방송국 DJ

1990-1994 아시아 워너뮤직과 계약, 앨범’풍운’,’Magnolia Blossom’등 발매

   아시아 공연(일본, 홍콩,한국, 대만), 미국 공연, 브라질공연등..

1992-1996 Jazz Saxophonist Chico Freeman,과 미국 및 전 유럽 공연..

1992: Toninho Horta와 브라질 공연,

   러시아 공연 (모스크바) Tri Culture Festival

1993-1994 Warner Music Japan Artist, Takeshi Itoh Producer/ Band Director로 활동,

   전 일본 공연및, 2장의 앨범 프로듀스 겸 기타리스트로 참가.. 

(Album: Groove Island, T.K Covers)

1993: Gracefulee’ 앨범 국내 제일기획발매 (일본 은 ‘Polydor / Polygram)

1994: Where My Heart Goes’ 발매

1996: Bob James 와 첫 아시아 공연 및, 전세계 5집 앨범 ‘Into the Night’ 발매

   Bluenote Label Producer, Bob Belden 의 Beatles헌정 앨범 ‘Strawberry Fields’ Guitarist로 참여

2000: ‘Message From Paris’ 발매 (Warner Music)

2000-2002: Bob James Band, Guitarist 로 전 미국 및 아시아 공연, 

2001 Project Album ‘New York Sketch’ 발매 (Pony Canyon)

2003 JVC Jazz festival Producer in Korea. Pat metheny, Larry Carlton 참가 

2005 Asianergy Album (Universal music) 발매

   *참가 뮤지션: Dave Grusin, Harvey Mason, Norihito Sumitomo 외…

2005: 재즈 수퍼그룹 포플레이와 협연, 및 일본, 아시아 공연,


2006: Bob James’ Angels of Shanghai 앨범 프로듀서 겸, 기타리스트 참가

   Angels of Shanghai 공연 (USA, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Korea..)

2006: 아시아 수퍼 기타 프로젝트 결성, 일본의 Kazumi Watanabe 중국의 Eugene Pao 와 함께 Guitar SamGukJi Album 발매 및, Tokyo Jazz Festival, Hongkong Arts Festival, 등등 전 아시아 공연, 투어

2006: Java Jazz Festival, Indonesia 참가..

   자신의 밴드 로, 또한 Bob James의 밴드 일원으로 세계최대 재즈 페스티벌중 하나인 자바 재즈 페스티벌에 참가.

   Montreaux Jazz Festival in Singapore 참가

2007: Bob James’ Urban Flamingo 앨범 참가

   미국 동부지역 순회공연.. 각종 재즈 페스티벌 참가.

2008: Singer from Denmark, Annekei Album ‘Letter’ (universal music) Producer, Guitarist

   Japan, Korea, Thailand Tour with Annekei

2009: Bob James, Nathan East, Lewis Pragasam과 Botero 녹음 (미국)

2010: Collaboration Album ‘Botero’ Released.

   with Bob James, Nathan East, and Lewis Pragasam

   -그래미상 다수받은 전설적인 피아니스트 밥제임스와의 듀오 앨범 발매

   -일본, 블루노트 클럽 및 태국 공연

   -Lee Ritenour 와 Huahin Jazz Festival, Thailand 참가

   - Lee Ritenour 와 아리랑 페스티벌 및 한국 공연

2011: Super Jazz group, Fourplay 와 협연, 

   팻메스니 Pat Metheny 내한공연에 스페샬 게스트로 참가, 협연 

2005-현재 2012 : 방콕 재즈페스티발 총감 및, 매년 레지던트 아티스트, 감독으로 출연

2012: 팻메스니 Pat Metheny 내한공연에 다시 스페샬 게스트로 참가, 협연및 편곡 작업 

   -fourplay, Lisa Ono, Lee Ritenour와 Bangkok River Jazz Festival 참가

2013: 창작 뮤지컬 로스트가든 음악작곡, 편곡, 감독: AEG group과 함께 상하이 초연 (Mercedez Benz Arena, Pudong)

2014: Korea Jazz Diva 웅산 앨범 프로듀스

   Nathan East Band Musical Director, Guitarist

2015: Nathan East Band Asia tour (Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Korea)

2016: Tokyo Seaside Jazz Festival 감독, fourplay, 조수미등 과 협연

   - 16번째 앨범 Pray’ 발표. (Harvey Mason, Nathan East, Annekei, Charles Blenzig 등 참가)


1966 Born in Seoul, Korea

1983 WhiMoon High School (up to Junior year- Transfer to Oakwood School, NY)

1988 Graduated from Columbia University in New York in Computer Science / Music

Discography as Leader

1991: Poong-Un (Warner Music)

1992: Magnolia Blossom (Warner Music)

1993: Gracefulee (Polydor K.K.)

1994: Where My Heart Goes (Truspace)

1996: Into the Night (Truspace)

1999: Message From Paris (Warner Music)

2000: New York Sketch (Truspace)

2000: From Belo to Seoul (Truspace)

2001: Episode (Kpop re-arrangment) (O2 Music, Korea)

2005: Asianergy (Universal)

2006: Guitar Sam Guk Ji (Universal)

2007: Asianergy 2 (JL Music)

2008: Letter (Universal) - with Annekei

2009: Botero (Video Arts Music) -with Bob James

2012: Guiding Light (JL Music/ truspace)

Other albums as Sideman

1992: Chico Freeman/ Brainstorm

1994: Toninho Horta/ foot on the Road (polydor)

1996: Toninho Horta/ Serenade

1996: Bob Belden / Strawberry Fields (EMI)

1998: Billy Kilson/ While U R sleepin’

2003: Bob James/ Angels of Shanghai (polygram)

2005: Bob James/ Urban Flamingo

2010: Arirang/ the name of Korean Vol.2

2014: 웅산/ temptation

2016: Nathan East ‘ Reverence’ 

2000-2015: Various Film and Drama music by Norihito Sumitomo (composer) in Japan

2013: ‘Lost Garden’ the musical (composed and produced)


Jack Lee is closely connected in the world music industry with world class artists, composers, producers, publishers and talent agencies worldwide.

His working knowledge in the business of music and entertainment puts him in a very unique position in this changing global entertainment industry.

-Released 15 Solo albums worldwide ( Warner Music, Polygram, EMI, Truspace)

-Produced and Scored the original Musical ‘ Lost Garden’ in Shanghai Mercedez Benz Arena with AEG group. (2013)

-Produced, programmed, and/ or performed at various Music Festivals around the world.

(Java Jazz Festival, Moscow Jazz Festival, North Sea Festival (Europe), Bangkok Jazz Festival, JVC festival, Tokyo Jazz Festival, NY music Festival (USA), Monterey jazz Festival, tokyo Seaside Festival

-Produced and performed with grammy winning artist, Bob James and Nathan East on the critically acclaimed project ‘Angels of Shanghai’ and toured all over the world.

(*Nathan East is a musician who won the Best Album of the year Grammy Awards this year 2013 with the group Daft Punk)

-Managing director at Truspace record label in New York city (1995- 2004)

-TV Commercial, Film Scoring and directing in New York, Tokyo, and Europe(1996-2002)

-Produced and toured with Nathan East Band (all Asia, Japan) (2014-2016)

-Produced many pop and jazz concerts in Korea (2002- current)

 i.e.: Chicago, Pat Metheny, JVC jazz festival in seoul, Fourplay, etc

- Warner music korea recording artist (1990-2000)

2012: appeared as Special guest to Pat Metheny Concert

   -Performance with Fourplay and Lisa Ono in Bangkok for River Jazzs

2011: appeared as Special guest to Pat Metheny Concert, Fourplay Show

   -Tours of Japan and Thailand, 

2010: Huahin Jazz Festival, Thailand with Lee Ritenour

   Arirang Festival, and concerts in Korea with Lee Ritenour

   ‘Botero’ Band Tour in Japan and Thailand

2009: ‘Botero’Project recording in US with Bob James, Nathan East

2008: Concerts in Korea with Lee Ritenour, Patrice Rushen, Annekei, 

   Asia Tour of Bob James’ Angels of Shanghai

2007: US Tour of Bob James’ Angels of Shanghai (produced by Jack Lee)

2005-Now: Producer of Bangkok Jazz Festival, J

   Jack Lee Asianergy Band tour in Asia

2006: Bob James Angels of Shanghai Group Tours in Asia

   Asian Super Guitar Project tour in Asia, 

   Java Jazz Festival, Montreaux Jazz Festival

2005: performances with Bob James, Nathan East in Asia, Produced Bob James’ Angels of Shanghai Album

   - Producer of Bangkok Jazz Festival

   - performances in Bangkok with Fourplay, Bob James, Asianergy

2004: Jack Lee Group tour in ASIA, 

2003: Co-Produced JVC Jazz Festival in Korea, featuring Pat Metheny, Larry Carlton, 

2002: Performances with Toninho Horta, Bob James group, Jack Lee Group 

   Tour in Asian Countries (Thailand, Korea, japan, Singapore)

1991- 1994: World Tour and Recordings with Chico Freeman, Toninho Horta, 

1989-1990: Release of the 1st Album on Warner Music followed by Tour of Asia

Jack Lee Artist Bio

Jack Lee is Korea’s most recognized World class Jazz Guitarist, and has been at the vanguard of promoting Jazz in his hometown of Seoul, Korea, as well as in the Asian territory through his performances and recordings with many of the top name in Jazz today for almost twenty years.

With roots planted firmly in his Asian heritage, technique and sensitivity honed by his schooling and experience in New York, and with a singular voice propelled by an intense desire for a more complete artistic expression, Jack Lee combines formidable technique with a penchant for gentle, flowing lyricism that makes his music eminently appealing to both musicians and non-musicians alike. 

Born in Seoul Korea, Jack absorbed the sounds of rock guitar heroes such as Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, and Jeff Beck before discovering the jazzier sounds of Pat Metheny, Larry Coryell, and Miles Davis. At 17, he traveled to the United States to pursue his passion and later enrolled as a computer science major at Columbia University. A stint as a disc jockey at the well-known station WKCR-FM exposed him to an extraordinary breadth of jazz music. Being a student in New York allowed him to experience first hand the living legends of jazz in the city's renowned clubs, and also enabled him to study first-hand with such guitar luminaries as Larry Coryell, Emily Remler, Bill Connors, and John Scofield.

Becoming a professional musician after graduation, Jack has performed and toured all over the world with many top names in Jazz, and started making his mark in NY jazz scene, as the formidable Asian musician/ producer.

Currently Jack is involved as a producer/ guitarist on several noteworthy projects, which sets him apart from a conventional jazz musician.

On his project with the exciting new world music ensemble Asianergy, Jack summons up some of his most heartfelt, emotionally moving playing on record to date. Spurred on by an international cast of sidemen; Academy award winning Pianist Dave Grusin, Grammy winning pianist, Bob James, Bassist, Nathan East and a grammy winning drummer, Harvey Mason to record as well as another good friend , very talented multi instrumentalist, Norihito Sumitomo, a master of EWI (electric wind instrument) from Japan, under-rated percussionist from India-Malaysia, Lewis Pragasam and a great acoustic guitarist/composer from Brazil, Toninho Horta, and another great pianist from New York, Mr.Charles Blenzig.

At the core of this superb recording is the chemistry between Lee and kindred spirit Pragasam, whose powerfully polyrhythmic approach to hand percussion and the drum kit fuels the momentum of these sessions

With Asian*ergy, Jack has found the perfect vehicle to express his inspiration he found from his life experiences performing music in all over the world………..-- Bill Milkowski


With Asianergy my friend Jack Lee has created an irresistible blend of elements from all over the globe and woven them into romantic textures that leave me spellbound. Jack has used all the resources from his many travels and opportunities to find unique talents throughout Asia and the rest of the world. Against this backdrop we can hear the beauty of his guitar style, a blending of jazz with the sounds and rhythms of Asia & South America. Give it a listen and you will be transported as I have been into the magic world of Asianergy. …………..Bob James

On ASGP, Jack produced an unique guitar trio along with an extraordinary guitarist from Hong Kong, Mr.Eugene Pao and Japan’s own jazz star, Mr. Kazumi Watanabe, with a very disctict and subtle dynamic sound mixing different cultures and ethnic influences from three great Asian Countries.

On Angels of Shanghai project with the Grammy Award winning, legendary pianist, Bob James, Jack has produced rich sound textures of perfect hybrid mix of Chinese traditional instruments along with the cool, funky and romantic jazzy lyricism that the pianist is well known for.

This project has toured all over USA with rave reviews, and the special band has performed at many celebrated concert halls in Asia.

On his latest Collaborative effort with the Danish Singer songwriter, Pianist, Guitarist, Annekei, Jack showcases the romantic ensemble of love songs with the perfect sultry voices of the very talented, blond haired beauty, Annekei.

Miss Annekei, who debuted on NY music scene in 2003 as the favorite artist from the famed TV show, ‘Showtime at the Apollo theater’ in New York city , has enjoyed much success in Japan as one of the favorite foreign artists in 2006-2007.

‘Letter’, the new album by Jack Lee + Annekei is a colletion of famous love songs including new cover versions of tunes such as Sting’ Fragile, Stevie Wonder’s Lately, Nat King Coles’ Paper Moon, Jobim Classics, ‘Felicidade’ and Aguas De Marco, as well as Originals by Jack Lee and Annekei, has the combination of jazz, Brazilian, Rhythm & Blues, Pop, funk, presents unusual, yet very natural sounding arrangements with romantic streak, which leaves a deep emotionally satisfying impact upon the listener.

What the critics say…

On ‘Botero’ by Jack Lee and Bob James,

This Jack Lee is one of the most skilled jazz guitarists to come out of Korea and make a splash in the States and elsewhere. In the past, Lee has recorded with everyone from keyboard king Bob James to Chico Freeman, and now James joins the guitarist for Botero. Sort of a world-fusion effort, the album finds Lee and company (also including storied bass man Nathan East) touching on jazz, pop, and R&B, as well as drawing on Asian and Brazilian flavors at various points. Though the dominant tone and mood here are of a soft-pedaled nature, and there are moments when the ambience bears a slight whiff of Windham Hill territory, this is not a smooth-jazz outing. If anything, it's closer to Pat Metheny's more acoustic-oriented collaborations with keyboardist Lyle Mays ? breezy, but driven by a desire to make a substantive musical statement. One does occasionally wish the more watercolor-sounding side of the tonal topography here would subside, but there's enough solid fusion and post-bop playing on Botero to sustain active interest throughout.

(By Jim Allen, LimeWire Store)

Jack Lee has performed, toured and/or recorded with stellar artists in Music today, such as Pat Metheny, Bob James, Nathan East, Harvey Mason, Lee Ritenour, Bob Mintzer, Dave Grusin, Toninho Horta, Cassandra Wilson, 

Billy Kilson, Chris botti, Kazumi Watanabe, Earl Klugh, Larry Coryell, Danny Gottlieb, Mike Brecker, Chico Freeman, and many more..

Spiffy, artistically challenging, Lee’s Guitarisma is undeniable, and as a producer, he shows how to use vocals on instrumental albums….Jazziz, Jon Widran

Lee’s Fleet fingerwork Dazzles…. Jazztimes

If you are in the mood for some engaging contemporary jazz Jack Lee's 'Into The Night' is highly recommended. Drawing from Brazilian, R&B and Jazz influences, guitarist Lee presents a smooth collection of refreshing original compositions featuring his rich playing on acoustic and electric guitars. Jack is also joined by friends Bob James, Toninho Horta, Mark Ledford, Hillary James and Rachel Z who add their solid talents to the recording. The ensemble effectively creates complete contemporary musical scapes with each tune. Jack's playing on acoustic guitar is particularly impressive. Fans of The Rippingtons, Toninho Horta, and Pat Metheny will enjoy this collection.

Review. Jazz Online. 

Jack Lee, an accomplished player with a romantic streak, the Korean-born guitarist/producer strikes a perfect balance between impressive technique and emotional depth 

JAZZIZ, Downbeat by Bill Milkowski

아티스트 이미지

  • 잭 리 (Jack Lee)