곡 정보

Cheek To Cheek (Deluxe Edition)

Sophisticated Lady

They say into your early life
romance came
And this heart of yours burned a flame
A flame that flickered one day
and died away

Then, with disilution deep in your eyes
You learned that fools in love
soon grow wise
The years have changed you, somehow
I see you now

Smoking, drinking,
never thinking of tomorrow, nonchalant
Diamonds shining, dancing,
dining with some man in a restaurant
Is that all you really want?

No, sophisticated lady,
I know, you miss the love
you lost long ago
And when nobody is nigh you cry

Smoking, drinking,
never thinking of tomorrow, nonchalant
Diamonds shining, dancing,
dining with some man in a restaurant
Is that all you really want?

No, sophisticated lady,
I know, you miss the love
you lost long ago
And when nobody is nigh,
When nobody is nigh,
Nobody is nigh you cry