Fun Shapes

오콘 (OCON) 2019.04.01 833
Fun, fun shapes and different sizes.
Pointed, flat, and round.
Are they here? Are they there?
Let's learn to look for them. 

Connect One, two, three.
Three dots...
(A triangle!)
What has three sides
and three pointed edges
like a triangle?
Pizza has three sides
like a t-t-t-tri-angle.
A slice of watermelon has
three sides like a triangle.
Triangles are also found on the
sails of a sail boat.
We found all of our triangles.
Now let's find more shapes. 

Fun, fun shapes and different sizes.
Pointed, flat, and round.
Are they here? Are they there?
Let's learn to look for them. 

Connect one, two, three, 
four. Four dots.
(It's a square!)
What has four flat sides
like a square or rec-tangle?
A door has two short and two long
sides like a r-r-rectangle.
A book has two short and two long
sides like a rec-tangle.
Rectangles and squares are on buses
that we ride. Vroom vroom.
We found all of our four sided things.
Now let's find more. 

Fun, fun shapes and different sizes.
Pointed, flat, and round.
Are they here? Are they there?
Let's learn to look for them. 

Connect one, two, three, four
five, six, seven...
a whole bunch of dots!
(It's a circle!)
What is round and roly-poly 
like a round, rolling circle?
Tires are round and rolling
like a roly-poly circle. 
Glasses have two round and rolling
circles we look out of.
Circles also come in the balls
that we kick. YEAH! 
We found all the circle shaped things.
Now let's find more!

Shapes and sizes. Shapes and sizes.
Pointed, flat, and round round
Finding them here Finding them there
We're finding them everywhere. 

Shapes and sizes. Shapes and sizes.
Pointed, flat, and round round
Finding them here Finding them there
We're finding them everywhere.
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